Thursday, November 12, 2009

MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in NATURE Contest

Salamz and Hi;

Yippie….since I have my own blog now, my ‘jelita’ can participate in the MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in NATURE Contest …Here goes my post.

This is a photo of my ‘jelita’, about 2 weeks ago taken at few kilometers above sea level hehehehhe…Kinabalu National Park, Kundasang, Sabah. See the breath taking view of the mountain top behind her.   Atuk and nenek was in town so we went for a one night stay at one of the lodge within the park courtesy of my husband’s company.  Bringing my daughter for outing whether its out in the sun or up to the hill sides is something I treasured always. Apart from the quality time that we get to spend together, I can see she is relating what she learns at home to what she sees. Like when we came across animals along the way, she’ll shout the name out loud… I mean really loud hahahaha… mama mama…coow coow”… or mama mama bed bed…(for bird)

Balqis Zafirah, internet nickname 'jelita'
She is born on 9th January 2008
Picture taken on 30/10/09

I think that most of you know already about mount Kinabalu..stuff like it’s the highest in Sout East Asia…and blablabla….so won’t talk about that.  Anyway, Kinabalu National Park is the starting place where the enthusiastic Mount Kinabalu climbers start their journey to the top!. Mount Kinabalu is under the conservation of Sabah Parks. The photo above and my profile picture was taken around 6.00 am (its early sunrise here in Sabah), where my family and I go for a morning walk around the park.

Oh ya…do you know that every year, there is a climbathon held at mount kinabalu? It’s a race-up and down the mountain for a total distance of 21 kilometers …phew..just by typing this makes me tired….hahahaha. The most recent climbathon was held on 24th to 25th October 2009. The winner for men category took only about 2 hours plus to complete the race…WOW! To read all about it, visit the climbathon website. Its an international race.

Now, back to my very reason writing this entry ----- MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in NATURE Contest, click here if you are interested to learn more about the contest. It offers cool prizes from PhotoBookMalaysia and AliceWonders. This is my first time entering the contest, pray that we ( me and my ‘jelita’ of course) win ya…

Take care ya’ all and thanks for dropping by :-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Thoughts On Home Schooling

Asalamualaikum and Hi again.
My daughter 'jelita' is almost 2 now and at this age, she is really fascinated to enriched her vocabulary. She seems to talk and understand more and more which she learns from people around her through spoken words or simply our body language.  I then felt the pressured to educate her, to make the best of this golden moments where some says that the first 5 years is our child life is the most important time to build their character further become the foundation for them growing-up.
While surfing for materials on teaching young children, I came across home schooling which in short in my own terminology lar ya…. your child learn at home not at school. I stumbled across Malaysian Home Educator Network (MALHEN) website: learning beyond boundaries. If you are as curious as me about home schooling read the FAQ which can be downloaded from the website or click here to directly go to download page . click on 'muat turun sekarang'.   You'll get few things cleared .  At least from reading I knew its legal in Malaysia!

What do I think? Will I home school my kids? Before I answer this Q, let me just made it clear that whether you choose to home school your kids or not is a personal choice…hehehehhe.. don’t want to be labeled negatively ya..
For me, I still believe in our education system, I am a product of a boarding school and I tell you it was the best time in my life... I have great fun and I really missed those days.  I do agree that the public education system is the kind of one size fits all, you don’t study at your own pace and there’s peer pressure and even teacher’s pet syndrome.  When I was in school, I did face peer pressure and hoping to be teacher’s favorite….worst I am the kind of student who seeks attention. But I am thankful that I take it in a positive way. I pushed myself to keep up with the A’s student and work hard just to be notice.. That’s isn’t bad….turns out fine for me ;-)
Well everything have it pros and cons, I’m just saying I’m not in the pros side of it.  Anyway, in my views here are few things to consider before you make the decision not to send your kids to school.
1). If you are a person who work 9-5.. seriously your are not a candidate for home schooling your kids.  You yourself needs to be with your kids..not the Indonesian maid lar..or else, your kids will master Bahasa Indonesia only tihtihtih…. 
2). If you are not a person with strong will power and at least finished form 5, don’t consider it too.   Not that I’m being judgmental… just that I personally think you need to have the right ‘mind set’, if you your self doesn’t like school, don’t you think its harder for your to teach your kids.
3). Your family must support your decision especially your other half.  If your husband doesn’t support, I think you have to re-think about it.  Having the will power, determination and consistency is already hard enough, let alone having your beloved person tells you “Honey, its not working…….send them to school”
4).  Your child needs to understand why you choose to home school.  If your child is old enough to be in a conversation, you have to at least explain to him/her.  If you are not giving your child the option to choose(of course not… still too young to see the whole picture), at least you have to reason with them your action so that when he/she grew up - won’t blame you.  Just have a one to one sharing session and talk about  what makes you decide that home schooling is the best road to move forward. 
Well, that’s all folks… Take care!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to live a happy life

Hi and Salamz;
I have received a forwarded email which the content got my interest.  It is actually a common one where it tells you how you should live your life as a happy person.  On and off I got this kind of email, sometimes I don't even bother reading.  One of the obvious reason is because I already knew the theoretical part of this happy living recipes, just that I don't practice it... Anyway, this one I shall share with you as its so SIMPLE and I honestly found it effective. 
  1. Free your heart from hate
  2. Free your mind from worry
  3. Live simple
  4. Give more
  5. Expect less
Now, isn't that simple?  We often think too much or take things too seriously that we end-up having  wrinkled forehead before reaching 35(we don't want this, don't we ladies?).  /sweat

I'll write more soon, this is just something which I thought off during my lunch break.
Take care !

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Spreading The Blogging Love!

Salamz and Hi;

One of the favorite thing I do everyday(especially when Im bored at work...tihtihtih) is blog reading. I also tends to blog hopping until I got lost in the cyberspace and cant tell which blog did I read in the first place...not to forget the headache and dry eyes too.

Its been fun, reading about how people are being very open about their thoughts and telling their real live story and some even love story(sometimes too mushy mushy lar for me) for the world to read. But anyway, I have nothing against that, I think everyone have their rights to  be less discreet and share bits of their life.  I also read local forums especially you know about mummy and baby stuff... and it AMAZED me to notice that people who are active online, saying this I mean--I see their name in almost all the forums I visited or their blogs are link from others blog, are actually the same group of people. :-) These people sure is enjoying and benefiting from the current social networking that the Internet has to offer.  Some are very good at blog writings too. Those are the blogs that I surfed till my eyes itch for staring at the computer screen for too long...hahaha.

Now now, enough about other people who became popular on the net and local mummy blogging point for this long winded post is to let you know that I decided to be "visible online" ..oh I didn't mentioned didn't  I , when I'm blog reading I hardly leave a comment, I just silently read...not even a squeak from me........shy me :-).

So bloggers out there, allow me to be the 'IN' people too hehheheee......Anyway, last but not least I hope you'll enjoy reading my views and my outlook on life and I shall also share the random thoughts I have from my twisted often confused and stressed over choices mind to lalalala lighten your day...

Thanks for dropping by and wishes you good health! /bye