Thursday, June 24, 2010

Selamat hari jadi mak! I love you always :-)

Salamz and hi peeps;

Entry kali ini saya nak tulis bahasa Melayu.  Dan entry ini ditujukan untuk mak tersayang. Mungkin ada yang panggil mak dia mummy, mama, ibu, umi dan lain-lain (angan mumia sudahlah).  Saya pangil mak je.  Mak saya memang sempoi..baik dan penyayang.  Saya cakap macam tu bukan kerana saya dah jadi mak dan rasa susah perit mendidik anak.  Saya cakap macam tu sebab saya memang sayang mak saya, dah ada anak ke takda, saya memang sangat sayang dan hormati mak saya. Kalau  ada duit lebih mesti nak kasi kat emak, sekarang tidak lah sangat sebab dah ada tanggungjawab dengan anak-anak dan perbelanjaan keluarga sendiri.  Tapi kalau saya bujang dulu, saya memang suka untuk belanja emak saya, its a satisfaction to me:-). Alhamdullillah bila saya suka belanja emak saya, rezeki saya pun tidak pernah putus walau banyak atau sikit.  Ini bukan cerita nak riak-riak yer... cuma nak bagitahu yang tidak akan rugi satu sen pun kalau kita belanja ibu-bapa kita, malahan Allah akan balas dengan berlipat ganda lagi :-) Amin untuk semua.

Berbalik kepada cerita mengenai emak saya. Emak saya lahir pada 23 Jun 1957, sama - sama masa merdeka.  Emak saya adalah keturunan Cina dan diangkat oleh keluarga Melayu(nenek sayalah  tapi dah meninggal sekarang).  Beliau dibesarkan serta dididik dalam keluarga melayu. Emak saya seorang yang  suka bisnes dan pandai buat macam - macam untuk cari duit.  Dulu dia pernah ada kedai jahit baju.  Masa tu saya sekolah rendah, kecik lagi. Bila balik sekolah saya duduk kedai jahit mak saya sampai petang,  makan kat sana, jalan-jalan kat kedai- kedai amoi dan tidur bawah meja jahit je.  Kesian tengok mak kerja kuat tapi saya tak paham lagi  dan tak tahu macam mana nak bantu masa tu kecuali tolong kutip serpih serpih baju.  Bila kedai jahit mak saya hangus dalam satu kebakaran( mak masuk newspaper time ni, glamer hiihih..), mak saya buka kedai makan dibantu oleh orang gaji Indonesia yang baik-baik semua iaitu Kak Pin dan Kak Kiah.  Diorang ni dah macam family. Masa ni saya dah masuk sekolah asrama penuh kat Johor.  Lepas dah tak larat berkedai(penat lah dan dah tua), mak saya duduk rumah jer jaga adik.  Dan sekarang mak saya jual macam-macam kueh dan kek-kek lapis yang authentic, kalau dah biasa bekerja memang tak boleh duduk diam kan.  Kek-kek lapis mak saya sangat sedap pada saya, bukan saya puji suka-suka tapi kawan-kawan/customer mak pun cakap kek lapis mak saya sedap dan oleh kerana mak saya ni pembersih, kueh pun elok je dan tahan lama.  Mak siap ada blog lagi, tak percaya? Blog beliau 

Masa saya tulis entry ni, mak saya sedang berada di United Kingdom dengan abah saya.  Diorang pergi jalan-jalan sambil melawat adik saya yang telah pun mendapat cahaya mata pertama mereka Umar Ziyad.  Inilah pertama kali mak saya pergi ke negara Eropah. Saya sangat gembira kerana saya tahu mak saya gembira dapat berjalan-jalan di luar negara terutama Eropah, ditambah pula melawat cucu lelaki pertama.  Psst...anak saya kan dua-dua perempuan :-). Tidak dapat dinafikan, sedikit sebanyak saya rindu dengannya yang jauh, walaupun umur dah 30-an saya memang sentimental sikiiit..

Ini sedikit petikan sms saya dan mak saya semalam ketika saya ucapkan selamat hari lahir.

sms saya: " Wah...selamat hari jadi mak...ada orang celebrate birthday di London you..."
sms mak: " Mestilah, jangan jealous.  Hujung minggu ni mahu jalan-jalan lagi di Kota London.
sms saya :" Tak jealous pun"
mak saya:" Dah 52 tahun umur mak, pertama kali mak jumpa jam 9.00 malam tapi hari masih terang macam jam 4 petang.  Hari minggu ni mak nak pergi jalan-jalan London lagi"
sms saya:" bestnya!, baguslah.  Semoga panjang umur dam murah rezeki, jaga diri baik - baik disana"
sms mak :" OK, mak rindu dengar suara Jelita dan Cantik...."

Tersenyum simpul saya sendiri, jauh-jauh ingat cucu juga.  Saya dapat rasakan kegembiraan di wajah mak.  Alhamdullillah, mak saya gembira dan bila dia gembira saya pun turut gembira.

Gambar nih diambil selepas mak dan abah snorkeling.  Mak first time snorkeling at 53.  
Sempat tunjuk peace lagi k :-)

Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir buat mak tersayang.  Siapalah saya kalau bukan kerana kasih sayang dan didikan yang diberikan.Untuk saya, setiap hari adalah Hari Ibu.  Saya tanam dan semat di jiwa saya yang saya akan jaga mak sehingga ke akhir hayatnya dengan penuh kasih sayang dan rasa tanggungjawab yang tidak akan berkurangan, Insya Allah. Doa saya, agar mak sentiasa gembira di dunia dan di akhirat.  Amin Ya Allah.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sister Kindness

Salam  and hi peeps....

Did you guys had a good weekend? I did.  I didn't go to any fancy places but I just love hanging around with my kids and watching Fabulousity Kimora Lee Simmons... I love KLS...she seems to be very loud and very bossy but she's very softy inside and reward her staff well. Above all, I like her because she just know what she wants and how to get it... this quality is hard to find in a woman, most of the time....we want something...but we don't know exactly what..because we changed our mind a lot, agree?

Being around my kids on a weekend can be really tiring and they get on my nerves real quick when they start with their mural drawing on the living room wall or when they  lay down on the door mat and roll on the floor on slices of fresh baked chocolate cake that I baked with love for them ;-)..and I tell you, all this drama can happened real quick when I am not looking even for a split second.

    At their best behavior. Don't be deceive guys :-P

My Jelita is really active and of all the cartoon/kid series that she's been watching like Mickey Mouse Club House, Dora the Explorer, Timmy Time, Word World, Tom Tom Bak and many more....her favorite is Ultraman Cosmos...I remembered that I used to like Ultraman too when I was a kid, my husband said he did too, just that it was just Ultraman not Ultarman Cosmos(maybe cicit of Ultraman).  The Japanese really did it don't they, they made a real good job coming up with that series and its a fave for many generations..though it has no educational values(I think) but I just love to watch Jelita happy-happy smiles and the occasional jumping, running and rolling when its on TV :-).

Just like other siblings, Jelita and Cantik doesn't see everything eye to eye all the time....they do get into small fights. It will start with screaming at each other really loud and then Cantik is more of an attacker, she'll grab Jelita on the face, the eye, especially and it does worries me cos I scared that Jelita can really get hurt, although of course Cantik does it unintentionally... Jelita on the other hand is much softer and not as aggressive, she doesn't hit Cantik or do anything cruel back, she just push Cantik away and screams even louder. Not like I condone this kind of action, just that I can really see how Jelita knows that she's the bigger sister and she must show exemplary attitude.  There's also this jealousy thingy that they showed on each other in terms of getting mummy's attention.  So far I can see that my Cantik is very clingy and very "manja" and a little spoilt, Jelita on the other hand is showing that she's the funny type with lot of sense of humor.  I figure Cantik is a year younger so its perfectly fine.  After all with the 2 different characters that they have, it  add rainbows to my life and make it much more worth living.
 Best friends forever

The best thing of  the sister kindness act that I must praise my daughters are the affections that they showed when one is sleeping.  For example, when Cantik is sleeping, Jelita will go over to pat and rub her back and hum slow sounds to Cantik. Sometimes she even sing London Bridge-literally(she doesn't know the exact lyrics but it sure sounds like London Bridge).  She willl also give Cantik a kiss on the forehead.  Similarly if Jelita is sleeping, Cantik will pat her side bottom, give her a kiss and rub her back gently.  I guess they get this from watching me and imitate it. There are so many qualities on you that you don't want your children to pick-up but THIS.. I am proud they did.  I want them to grow up like me, loving and caring.  I know that in future they will have disagreement, but if they are strongly bonded by love, they will be able to put aside whatever that causes the fight. Blood is definitely thicker than water.

Bila dua-dua dah 'pengsan'

Lastly, to end my post this time, I present you our recent photo at the Tuaran Crocodile Farm.

Victoria Beckham pose with mummy dearest...


Friday, June 18, 2010

My Friday morning thoughts....the MONEY MATTERS

I was driving to work this morning...feeling happy that its Friday and just can't wait for the weekends.... While I was enjoying my morning bla bla bla....I saw a "pakcik" and "makcik" holding hands walking by the roadside.  I know you might be thinking....duh! so what lah I saw couple holding hands......its normal.... well maybe if mat salleh couple normal...tapi for orang melayu couple....jarang-jaranglah...They don't appear rich to me-from the dressing  I mean, not that I am being judgemental but the shirt doesnt looks like polo or makcik's bag doesnt look like prada..hmm maybe it was prado....ahhahahahaha..- anyways back to the topic...on my 15 seconds observation :-)...they look happy and content..caring and care- less of the busy traffics.....and I asked myself again....and again cos matters seems a bit overwhelming to our family .....can money really buy happiness????? can holiday buy happiness?  I bet the makcik never go to europe.......or pergi london to the wax museum and take picture with waxed britney spears....overseas  tiada dalam book lah...eventhough ada air asia cheap cheap ticket now everyone can really fly....:-P..

So ladies and gentleman.....again I am asking myself can money buy you happiness? I would say,  its true that money can't buy happiness but with money I can enroll my kids in good school..give them good food to eat for their brain and physical development.... get them in the elite social circle and developed inner self respect and to sum it up... money cannot buy happiness but money is the way to happiness...... Now is that the same?  confused....!!!!